March 7, 2010.
Adam Lambert revved up his so-called controversial American Music Awards (AMA) performance of “For Your Entertainment” a few notches hotter early this morning (7:45am), closing out the 2010 LGBT Australian Mardi Gras with an extra sexy, groin-thrusting rendition of his trademark song.

Picture of Adam Lambert with Kelly Rowland at the 2010 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras VIP pre-party. 3-7-10 photo.
Earlier, he hobnobbed with American Diva Kelly Rowland, drag clown Joyce Mange, and transsexual extraordinaire Amanda Lepore at the VIP Mardi Gras Party at the Kit and Kaboodle Club in Sydney.
Image of Adam Lambert putting his makeup on before his performance at the 2010 Sydney Mardi Gras. 3-7-10 photo.
Adam Lambert donned glitter, a hoop earring, eye shadow, skin-tight latex pants, tear-drop guyliner, and black leather in the form of a jacket and harness to perform his sexiest version yet of "For Your Entertainment."

Watch Adam's performance and a clip of the rock god partying at the base of his post!
Photo of Adam Lambert singing "For Your Entertainment" at the Mardi Gras in Australia in the wee hours of Sunday morning, to close out the whole affair. 3-8-10 image.
Check out this review from the lesbian website autostraddle.com published this morning: Adam Lambert at Sydney Mardi Gras: Even Gayer Than That Gay Kiss Thing, by Rachel. March 7, 2010 (after the pic):
Photo of Adam Lambert at the 2010 Sydney Mardi Gras singing his hit song, "For Your Entertainment." 3-8-10 image.
Adam Lambert closes Sydney Mardi Gras with a For Your Entertainment gay sex carnival, complete with codpiece and half-naked gay sex-dancers!
Picture of Adam Lambert performing for an appreciative audience at the Syndney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 2010. 3-8-10 photo.
This Sunday there is a FUNDAY EXPLOSION with Lady Gaga, lesbian prison weddings, Johnny Weir in cute outfits, gay Catholic sex scandals, a new tumblr for you, and also Lilo in a funny coat.
Picture of Adam Lambert in a hot leather harnesss at the Sydney 2010 Mardi Gras Sunday morning. 3-8-10 photo.
Adam Lambert performed at Sydney, Australia’s Gay Mardi Gras with a giant gold codpiece, glitter in his hair, a tight ass, and an entire team of homosexy dancers, crowning him the shiniest weirdo ever (and we say that with love).
Photo of Adam Lambert closing out the LGBT Mardi Gras in Australia. 3-8-10 image.
This is probably the gayest thing we’ve seen since Adam Lambert’s album cover, and the only context in which we are actually delighted by a bunch of half-naked guys sticking their c**ks in our faces!
Picture of Adam Lambert on stage at the Horden Pavilion and Royal Hall of Industry during the Sydney Mardi Gras in an outfit that shows off his considerable assets. 3-8-10 photo.
No but really; what’s consistently interesting about Adam (and Lady Gaga for that matter) is that just when you expect him to retreat from his homosexiness, he freaking throws on some black latex sex-pants and gyrates while a dude in underpants and leather humps a gold statue.
Photo of Adam Lambert in a pose that highlights his round butt on the Sydney Mardi Gras stage at the Hordern Pavillion and Royal Hall of Industry, letting the audience know he was there "For Your Entertainment!" 3-7-10 image.
You know what I mean — how just when an out gay performer seems to have gotten REALLY gay, they’ll slow down a bit, wait for the tide to settle, try to stay balanced, don’t want to scare the kids… but apparently Adam doesn’t really give a f*ck and besides, this is how he’s used to performing, which is key.
Picture of Adam Lambert shirtless in a leather harness on the stage of the 2010 Gay and Lesbian Sydney Australia Mardi Gras. 3-8-10 photo.
Realistically, Adam’s got a lot of people telling him what to do right now and someone said this was okay (which is a big choice to make in the YouTube era, when stars can’t go do gay performances for gay audiences and expect no one outside of the community to see it), which is a good sign w/r/t tolerance for homosexiness.
Image of Adam Lambert singing "FYE" for the Sydney Mardi Gras at 7:45 in the morning. 3-8-10 photo.
The reaction to his AMA kiss was, of course, a bad sign. So now we’re even. (Also, he’s been dancing like this for years, babies, like before American Idol.)
Picture of Adam Lambert in a pose accentuating his metal studded cod piece during his hot performance of "For Your Entertainment" Sunday morning at the LGBT Mardi Gras in Australia. 3-8-10 photo.
That being said, those weren’t Adam’s dancers, they were the Mardi Gras dancers. It’s like Iron Chef Australia and the dancers are the main ingredient!
Photo of Adam Lambert having a good time at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney Australia. 3-8-10 picture.
Also, he’s going to be doing a VH1 Unplugged on March 10th. END.
Picture of Adam Lambert singing "FYE" at the 2010 Sydney Mardi Gras. it looks like that bubble butt of his is about to get goosed! 3-8-10 photo.
Here’s a link to the Sydney 2010 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras official website.
Photo of Adam Lambert getting hot and glammy during his performance at the Australian Mardi Gras Sunday. 3-8-10 image.
In the meantime, there comes this story from about Olympic champion skater Johnny Weir talking about the possibility of skating to an Adam Lambert song. The story is from Idol Tracker: March 07, 2010. Johnny Weir calls Adam Lambert 'an amazing performer,' contemplates skating to 'For Your Entertainment' (after the photo):
Image of Adam Lambert wrapping up his wild performance at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Sunday morning. 3-8-10 photo.
Olympic figure-skater Johnny Weir was in rare form at the Independent Spirit Awards on Friday night, where he manned the microphone on both sides of the aisle -- as Sundance Channel interviewer speaking to the likes of Adrien Brody, Emmy Rossum and Laura Dern, and interviewee, encouraged to talk to ordinary folk like yours truly.
Picture of Olympic skater Johnny Weir at the Independent Spirit Awards last night, where he talked about Adam Lambert. 3-7-10 photo.
Of course, the conversation had to turn to Adam Lambert at some point in the night. After all, it was only a couple weeks ago that we asked the "American Idol" runner-up what he thought of the ice skating phenom.
Picture of Adam Lambert on his way to HUM Records on Oxford to sign autographs. 3-7-10 image.
"I think Adam is an amazing performer," said Johnny, who also revealed that he watched "Idol" last season and "had a hard time picking between Adam and Kris [Allen]." But by the end of the competition, Johnny noted, he was a faithful "Adam fan."
Photo of Adam Lambert signing autographs for the fans at HUM Records Saturday morning. 3-6-10 image.
Furthering the love fest, Johnny added that he appreciated Adam describing him as a "trailblazer" in a recent interview. "I loved that," he said. "He respects me, and I definitely respect him." But as far as the comparisons between the two, Johnny had this to offer: "We both have dark hair and are over-the-top, I think that's where the similarities end."
Picture of Adam Lambert signing autographs for some male fans at HUM Records Saturday. 3-6-10 photo.
Actually, you could also make a case for their mutual admiration of Lady Gaga, which Adam brought up last time we spoke to him. That prompted us to wonder: Would Johnny ever consider skating to Adam's music?
Picture of Adam Lambert hugging female fan Julie "Jules" Stonestreet at HUM Records. 3-6-10 photo.
"I'd love to do that," Johnny Weir said. "Maybe next, I'll throw on some dark black eyeliner and pull an Adam Lambert."
Image of Adam Lambert and host Natalie Bassingthwaighte Thursday from our previous post about Adam on So You Think You Can Dance Australia: ADAM LAMBERT ROCKS AUSTRALIA. 3-4-10 photo.
Still, Weir was hard-pressed to come up with a song title. "The one that's on the radio all the time," he said, laughing.
This picture is just a reminder that we're still working on our post about Lady Gaga's Living Dress and her appearance on England's Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. It's nearly ready, so stay tuned! This image is from the night Gaga introduced the mechanical dress at her Liverpool Monster Ball concert Februay 24, 2010. UPDATE! 3-9-10. The post is now up! Click here to see it.
Visit Adam Lambert’s official website, Music Store, MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter pages.
Photo of Adam Lambert being interviewed by Lisa on PopRepublic.tv in Australia last Friday. Watch the video at the base of this post. 3-5-10 picture.
For an unlimited supply of Adam, join one of the best fan sites on the ‘Net: the Adam Lambert Network.
Image of Lisa and Adam Lambert on PoPrepublic.tv. 2-4-10 photo.
And check out a new Adam Lambert Fan Club Facebook Page while you're at it! We are proud to announce we have been appointed main administrator and will be posting updates there in between our more elaborate main posts here, plus members will receive instant notices when we have published a new page about Adam Lambert on this site. So, what are you waiting for? Join today!
Picture of Kyle and Jackie O of 2DayFM radio, who interviewed Adam Lambert on Friday. Scroll down to watch the video. 3-5-10 photo. (UPDATE: Sorry; 2DayFM foolishly deleted the video.)
Listen to radio interviews of and songs by Adam via this Audio Player, courtesy of Vicky aka VickStiX and the Adam Lambert Network. It automatically updates as more items are added, so bookmark this page and check back often:
Find more music like this on Adam Lambert Network
Watch this video: Adam Lambert ready to rock after George Michael, Kelly Rowland at Mardi Gras party with American Diva Kelly Rowland, drag clown Joyce Mange, and transsexual extraordinaire Amanda Lepore:
Find more videos like this on Adam Lambert Network
Check out this video of Adam Lambert signing autographs at HUM Records (on Oxford) in Sydney Australia 3-6-10:
Watch this video: Poprepublic.com interview of Adam Lambert in Australia. POPrepublic.tv Lisa catches up with pop superstar Adam Lambert in Sydney Australia to chat about his new album, kisses and more... 3-5-10:
Check out this video: Adam Lambert’s new song “Voodoo” set to the beginning of Mission Impossible II. Although Tom Cruise is a notorious homophobe, this video is just too well done to pass up. Plus it gives us an excuse to listen to Adam’s hot new song again . . . and again . . . and again! Preserved on Photobucket:
Watch this now vintage video of Adam Lambert performing Smoky Robinson’s “Tracks of My Tears” on American Idol from April 2009:
Find more videos like this on Adam Lambert Network

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