March 3, 2010.
Adam Lambert appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night, 3-2-10 sporting a huge pompadour, glitter, rhinestones, chains, and heavy blue eye shadow while singing the heartbreaker song “Sleepwalker” from his debut album For Your Entertainment. During an After Show Interview, the video of which you can watch at the base of this post along with the actual performance, Jay Leno said “Sleepwalker” was a great song and will probably become Adam’s biggest hit yet!

After the Jay Leno show, @TommyJoeRatliff tweeted “Woooo!!!! That was fun :D haha”
Picture of Adam Lambert rocking the Tonight Show with Jay Leno audience, which was filled with what he later said were "many familiar faces and it felt good." 3-2-10 photo.
@adamlambert tweeted “Leno was soooo much fun! Tune in tonight! Wait till you see the high glam we served!!”
Image of Adam Lambert singing "Sleepwalker" on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night. 3-2-10 photo by Ilia Shengelia.
From the UK’s Gay Times, comes the following interview of Adam Lambert from their Magazine, March 10, 2010, Issue 378: Jamie Tabberer settles down for a chat with American Idol’s Adam Lambert. They were both in their PJ’s, dontcha know. Read the article after the pic.
Image of Adam Lambert getting soulful on the Tonight Show performing the bluesy song, "Sleepwalker." 3-2-10 photo.
When nattering with a bona fide American idol like Adam Lambert, a West Country twang like mine can be problematic. “How is my British accent working out for you Adam?” I ask the 27-year-old pop star, in my best attempt at Queen’s English. “Does it remind you of Simon Cowell’s at all?”
Closeup photo of Adam Lambert on Tuesday evening's Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Check out the rhinstone-studded earpiece and the rhinestones glued on his eyeslids! 3-2-20 picture by Ilia Shengelia.
“No,” he replies nonchalantly. “Yours is MUCH cuter than Simon’s…”
Photo of Adam Lambert performing what is sure to be his next hit, "Sleepwalker" on Jay Leno's Tonight Show. 3-2-10 image by Ilia Shengelia.
I laugh, stutter an indecipherable response and then cough. Not sexy. We’re 30 seconds into our interview, and I’ve already been rendered speechless.
Image of Adam Lambert on The Tonight Show with Adam Lambert singing "Sleepwalker." Blue eye shadow for daze! 3-2-10 photo by Ilia Shengelia.
But if his reputation is to be believed, Adam’s ability to shock doesn’t come as a surprise. The handsome singer – who finished second in last year’s season of American Idol, far and away the most watched show on American TV – has always known how to provoke a reaction in people, most notably with his powerhouse voice.
Picture of Adam Lambert holding his hands up in exasperation as the words of "Sleepwalker" get to him on the Tonight Show Tuesday evening. 3-2-10 photo.
Regrettably, though, it’s the negative reactions he sparks inadvertently that generate the most headlines. From his forgivable penchant for guyliner (don’t pretend you haven’t been there), to his opinion-polarizing album cover, to his controversial performance at last year’s American Music Awards (in which he kissed and groped a male member of his band, inducing thousands of complaints to TV network ABC) it seems Adam can’t bat a mascara-clad eyelash without offending somebody.
Photo of Adam Lambert rocking the house of Leno on the Tonight Show. 3-2-10 image.
The irony being, of course, that Adam’s really not shocking underneath it all. In fact, he’s a just a normal guy who –shock, horror! – is actually WILLING to talk about his sexuality. Adam Lambert: we applaud you.
Picture of Adam Lambert performing "Sleepwalker" last night on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. 3-2-20 photo by Ilia Shengelia.
“It catches me off guard,” he admits, recalling the AMA nightmare. “In my circle, and in a lot of the underground clubs and performance spaces in Los Angeles nobody thinks twice about it, they love it. Then I gave what I thought was a harmless performance and everybody jumps down my throat about it. And I’m like ‘Sorry, I didn’t realize it was going to be that big a deal.’”
Image of Adam Lambert singing about unrequited love on the Jay Leno's new Tonight Show. Picture by Ilia Shengelia.
Hostility escalated when the (actually ace) cover of Adam’s space-themed debut album leaked days later. On it, Adam’s brave sense of style is epitomized – he appears in full make up, with electric blue hair and a pout to rival Victoria Beckham’s, looking like a character from the 80s movie Tron.
Photo of Adam Lambert singing "Sleepwalker" during the second night of Jay Leno's return to the Tonight Show. 3-2-10 image by Ilia Shengelia.
And if a female artist had pulled the exact same pose… “…With the soft focus, and the retouching,” he agrees, “nobody would have said a word. I’m glad you like it, but you’re the minority. Here in the States a lot of people are really uncomfortable with it, which is hilarious. But Tron is a great movie!”

Picture of Adam Lambert wrapping up his performance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. 3-2-10 image.
But weeks later, Adam answered his critics when For Your Entertainment sold 200,000 copies in its first week on sale, charting above new releases from Rihanna and Lady Gaga, albeit outsold by a certain Scottish lassie…
Picture of Adam Lambert talking to Bryan during a Tonight Show "After Show" interview. Watch it by scrolling down to the videos.
“I know, if only it weren’t for Susan Boyle!” Adam laughs. “I’m happy for her success, but that album is terrible. Wild Horses is the one that made me laugh the hardest. I just died when I heard it, I was crying with laughter. It was the most horrendous, sacrilegious treatment of that song!
Photo of Adam Lambert's drummer, Longineu, checking out one of Jay Leno's cars. 3-2-10 image.
“Still, when my album charted, it was validating. I was feeling bit attacked, like I had to vindicate something. I thought: ‘Wow, look what I did.’”
Profile picture of Adam Lambert from the Don Bachardy photo shoot.
And one hell of an album it is too - unashamedly electropop, and featuring big name collaborations such as Pink, Linda Perry, and even Muse front man Matt Bellamy.
Image by American portrait artist Don Bachardy of Adam Lambert with spiky hair. Picture from the Don Barchardy photo shoot.
“I love Muse,” Adam enthuses. “I’m a huge fan and I think Matt’s voice is beautiful. I was beside myself when I heard they were willing to give up the song for me. It’s called Soaked, which here in America means wasted, or drunk.
Full body picture of Adam Lambert in a black T-shirt, brown leather jacket, and camouflage pants from the Don Bachardy photo shoot.
“I love the song; lyrically I feel I can relate to it. From a dark place, it’s about that viscous circle of going out and trying to fill a void by getting laid, but doing it by getting wasted in a bar and going home with somebody. That’s what it’s about for me. I’ve been through that: I’m 27 years old and I’ve lived a life where I was looking for something… for meaning, or love, but looking for it in the wrong way.”
Photo of adam Lambert looking like a 1930's movie star from the Mike Ruiz photo shoot.
He may not look 27 (“the make-up helps”), but it’s just as well he has a decade on many of his contemporaries. Read the whole story, including Gaga Chat, in our new issue which costs just 385 pennies, which is about the price of a Rimmel Eyeliner, but definitely much cheaper than an Urban Decay one. Subscribe to the online edition here. END.
Picture of Mike Ruiz, photographer extraordinaire, with Adam Lambert. Photo by Mike Ruiz.
Adam Lambert has been in the news a lot lately because of his charity work for DonorsChoose.org. After you read the following article, watch the videos about his work at the base of this post.
Photo of Adam Lambert all glammed up in a vintage blue smoking jacket for the Mike Ruiz photo shoot.
From the Advocate.com comes this article dated February 19, 2010: Lambert Delivers to Underprivileged Kids. Read it below:
Pop star and American Idol also-ran Adam Lambert surprised a group of 45 music students of Belvedere Middle School in Los Angeles Thursday by hand-delivering much needed supplies, according to the Los Angeles Times blog AmericanIdolTracker.
Image of Adam Lambert with a friend from the Mike Ruiz photo shoot.
The students were chosen by teacher Sarah Fuller based on their skills and had no idea that Lambert would be visiting their classroom. Lambert had teamed up with DonorsChoose.org, and fans of the singer donated nearly $300,000 to the cause, allowing the school to purchase guitars, strings, and batteries to power keyboards. The singer also performed with the students, who accompanied him on his hit single “Whattaya Want From Me.”
Photo of Adam Lambert with slicked back hair in a white jacket for the Mike Ruiz photo shoot.
Public schools don't get the budgets for materials in the arts programs,” Lambert told the blog. “We've raised an insane amount of money. Music classes, drama classes, art classes ... these are the programs I really wanted to focus on because, as a kid, I was fortunate enough to have great funding in my district.”
Photo of Adam Lambert and bandmember Monte Pittman at Belvedere Middle School, where he handed out supplies to the struggling students. 2-18-10 image.
Ninety-four percent of the students who attend Belvedere qualify for free or reduced lunch, indicating that the student body comes overwhelmingly from low-income families. END.
Picture of Adam Lambert talking to Belvedere students about his DonorsChoose.org charity which helps low income students. 2-18-10 photo.
Check out the video Adam Lambert made last year for DonorsChoose.org in support of high-need public school classrooms at the base of this page. Click on www.donorschoose.org/AdamLambert for more information or to donate.
Image of Adam Lambert handing out much-needed supplies to the Belvedere Middle School Students before singing "Whataya Want From Me." Watch the video at the bottom of this page. 2-18-10 photo.
"My fans have been so amazing in their support that I would love for them to contribute to something I believe in," said Adam Lambert. "Every kid deserves a great education and access to the materials and experiences that make it possible.”
Photo of Adam Lambert chatting with his fans in a video you can access by scrolling downward. February 18, 2010 image.
“I'm so thrilled to team up with DonorsChoose.org and encourage my fans to support arts and music projects in classrooms."
Picture of Adam Lambert at his first solo concert at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. Watch him perform all 13 songs in our previous post ADAM LAMBERT SIZZLES IN FANTASY SPRINGS.... It's also chock full of lucious images! This 2-27-10 photo courtesy of Patti Ross, who was lucky enough to atttend.
Across the country, thousands of classrooms lack the materials that are essential for learning. As school budgets tighten, learning supplies and tools become increasingly outdated, broken and scarce.
Image of Adam Lambert during Fashion Week in New York City, looking hot in black from head to toe. 2-17-10 photo.
School teachers nationwide spend $1 billion out-of-pocket each year, which rarely even covers each classroom's needs.
Close image of Adam Lambert in New York City during Fashion Week showing his black "Tux" jacket and long black tie. 2-17-10 picture.
"Adam is championing a campaign for public education that will positively affect thousands of students and teachers, and we couldn't be more appreciative to have his support," said Charles Best, founder and CEO, DonorsChoose.org.
Photo of Adam Lambert at Fashion Week in New York, where he attended the Blonds runway show. 2-17-10 image.
"So many students have a tremendous disadvantage simply because they don't have the learning materials they need,” Best continued. “Luckily, people like Adam and tens of thousands of everyday citizens are stepping in to help."
Super close image of Adam Lambert at The Blonds show during New York's Fashion Week. 2-17-10 photo.
Read this article by the New York Post: The Blonds, by ANAHITA MOUSSAVIAN.
From February 18, 2010:
There is no better way to open a show than to have a giant, furry gorilla come trampling down it. And that’s how the Blonds kicked it off. After an erotic strip show revealed said gorilla to be none other than the brand’s muse, Phillipe Rolano, a parade of sexy models sashayed down the runway in the most fantastical, over-the-top creations we’ve seen all week.
Picture of Adam Lambert with super model Phillipe Rolano, whom Adam called a "hot tranny." Watch the video at the bottom of this page. 2-17-10 photo.
The brand’s serious fetish with all things tight, glittery and micro-mini came in the way of snakeskin corsets, gold sequined leotards, bras and frocks covered entirely in oversized gems, an ombre rainbow mesh strapless mini dress with matching heels, and a show-closing studded glittery bustier that would make Lady Gaga’s head explode.
Photo of Adam Lambert on the Vh1 show Pop Couture. Check out the two part video at the base of this post. February 2010 image.
And let’s not forget the amazing Christian Louboutin crystal-encrusted heels that came in the way of white, cotton-candy pink and baby blue.
An equally colorful crowd – which included Adam Lambert, Miss J, Jay Manuel, and Pat Field (who rolled in with her House of Field posse) – devoured every second of it. All in all, it was a glam-tastic good time. END. Watch the fun video of the event at the bottom of this post!
Picture of Camilla Grey at Toronto Pride. Camilla has been confirmed to be Adam Lambert's new keyboardist. @TommyJoeRatliff tweeted “Follow @UhHuhHerMusic she's the new keyboard player! :)” Become a fan on Facebook and check out her band's MySpace page, where it says, “There’s something irresistibly magical about COMMON REACTION, the debut album from electro-pop duo UH HUH HER. Simply put, the L.A.-based musical pair consisting of singer/producer/multi-instrumentalist Camila Grey and musician/actress Leisha Hailey and have crafted an exciting and seamless modern rock disc.”
As far as American Idol goes, Adam has let it be known that he has indeed been booked for an upcoming appearance, but has been told by the producers to keep the date a secret for now. We'll let you know as soon as we find out more!
Visit Adam Lambert’s official website, Music Store, MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter pages.
For an unlimited supply of Adam, join the best fan site on the ‘Net: the Adam Lambert Network.
And check out a new Adam Lambert Fan Club Facebook Page while you're at it! We are proud to announce we have been appointed main administrator and will be posting updates there in between our more elaborate main posts here, plus members will receive instant notices when we have published a new page about Adam Lambert on this site. So, what are you waiting for? Join today!
Listen to radio interviews and songs by Adam via this Audio Player, courtesy of Vicky aka VickStiX and the Adam Lambert Network. It automatically updates as more items are added, so bookmark this page and check back often:
Find more music like this on Adam Lambert Network
Watch this video of the Tonight Show’s "After Show" interview with Bryan and Jay Leno. Jay says “Sleepwalker” is a great song and will be Adam’s biggest hit! I’ve preserved it on Photobucket so it won’t be deleted like half the videos on YouTube:
Check out this video, the crème de la crème: Adam Lambert sings “Sleepwalker” on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 3-2-10. Preserved on Photobucket. Please feel free to embed it on your own blog:
Watch this official Los Angeles Times video: Adam Lambert sings “Whataya Want From Me” with Belvedere Middle School kids. 2-17-10:
Check out this official video Adam Lambert made last year for DonorsChoose.org in support of high-need public school classrooms. Click on www.donorschoose.org/AdamLambert for more information or to donate:
Watch this official New York Post video: Adam Lambert's “Blond” Ambition from the Official NYPost YouTube Channel. February 17, 2010. The American Idol runner-up raves about The Blonds' runway show at Fashion Week. http://www.nypost.com/enter... (front page):
Check out this video from MTV.com: Adams Wish for His Tour Costume Designer: Adam Lambert is ready take his over-the-top performance all over the world to promote his album, For Your Entertainment. And as the image-conscious Idol runner-up plans a tour for later this year, one big question remains: Who will design his stage outfits? Thanks to Jocelyn Vena, and with reporting by Tim Kash who are both from MTV, for letting us in on this: At the G-Star Raw show during New York Fashion Week, Lambert did dish to MTV News that he already has a designer in mind. “Oh, wow, I think Gareth Pugh is really, really talented,” he said of the English designer whose goth-chic designs could be a perfect fit for the glam rocker. “It’s kind of futuristic and cutting edge.” Lambert added that he loves how Pugh always does the unexpected, not unlike Lambert himself. “He uses materials that aren’t typical for fabrics,” he explained. “He uses a lot of metal and spikes and nails and things like that. It might not be the most comfortable outfit in the world, but it’s so striking.” Given his love for avant-garde fashions, it comes as no surprise that Lambert has only one rule when it comes to his style: There are no rules. “I hate the term, ‘Oh, I couldn’t ever pull that off,’ ” he said. “I let that go when I was about 20. I try to aim to pull anything off that comes my way.”
Find more videos like this on Adam Lambert Network
Find more videos like this on Adam Lambert Network

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