March 20, 2010
Lady Gaga is now rich and famous so it’s only natural that parasites are crawling out of the woodwork to sue her in order to get their greedy little hands on her millions. And there is no gluttony more heinous than that of a lover spurned, which is exactly what Rob Fusari is—a freeloading has-been boyfriend.
Photo of Lady Gaga on the cover of the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing flesh-colored bra and panties. The cover says, "Love Advice Only Gaga Would Give." Click scanned image to enlarge.
Although the fool claims to have “created” Lady Gaga, the world knows the truth is Lady Gaga created Lady Gaga!

Picture of Lady Gaga in the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine with the headline "Lady Gaga Wants You. Beyonce and the Queen of England are dazzled by her . . .." Click scanned photo to enlarge.
This man is only one of several people who claim to have discovered and shaped Gaga. So, although we are sure Fusari's lawsuit will be labeled without merit and quickly dismissed, we bring you a couple of video reports about the situation, which you can watch at the base of this post.
UPDATE 3-20-10! Lady Gaga filed a counter-suit against Fusari today, claiming he conned her into signing an illegal contract while acting as an unlicensed talent agent! Watch the video at the bottom of this page showing Fusari singing a different tune back in January. Even though he admits to receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from her, he said all he really wanted was a "Thank you." How quickly the worm turns! This guy now wants millions! Check out a video of the man's hypocrisy by scrolling downward.

Photo of Lady Gaga from the cover of the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine without all the printed matter. Click scanned image to enlarge.
In the meantime, enjoy these beautiful photos taken by the good people at Cosmopolitan Magazine, including outtakes they didn’t use but were kind enough to share with the world. Gaga never looked better.

Picture of Lady Gaga in Cosmopolitan Magazine. "I'm like Tinkerbell," Cosmo quotes her saying to the fans at one of her Monster Ball concerts. "You know how she dies if you don't clap for her? Scream for me! Do you want me to die?" Click scanned photo to enlarge.
Read this excerpt from Cosmopolitan.com: Lady Gaga Wants You! Beyoncé and the Queen of England are dazzled by her. But there’s only one thing the pop phenom yearns for, and that’s your devotion. By Christine Spines (after the photo):

Photo of Lady Gaga in the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing black feathers, a tight corset, fingerless open weave gloves, and lace panties. "I believed in her from day one," says Vincent Herbert, the man who really discovered the pop super star. "I'm an outsider," says Lady Gaga. "I've always been delusionally ambitious to the point where people don't understand me." Click scanned image to enlarge.
There are tons of questions we want to ask Lady Gaga. After all, she’s one of the most fascinating music artists we’ve ever seen. And unlike most people who are given that title, she actually manages to live up to it—she’s a true artist—while still singing ultra-catchy pop songs that make it impossible not to dance. She’s kind of a genius… but she’s also kind of bizarre. Who is she, really? We plan to find out.

Image of Lady Gaga in the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine without the print. Click scanned picture to enlarge.
But as we wait for her to meet us at a chic Las Vegas sushi restaurant, we’re completely preoccupied with the most obvious question of all: What the hell will she be wearing? That translucent bubble dress, a bra that shoots sparks, lingerie that oozes fake blood—Gaga never looks boring. In fact, we’d be shocked if she’s so much as touched a pair of sweat pants in her life.

Photo of a page about Lady Gaga in the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine with a "Cosmo Quiz." Says Gaga, "Some women choose to follow men and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore!" Click scanned image to enlarge.
Sadly, there are no pyrotechnics when we spot her strutting toward us in a pair of black shades, a skimpy bustier, and an impossibly tight vinyl miniskirt. Just as we realize we have no idea what to call her (though we bet “Stefani” will get us slapped), she stretches out a pale, delicate hand in our direction and declares “Gaga.” Of course.

Picture of Lady Gaga in the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing a black V-neck dress, open to the waist. Click scanned photo to enlarge.
We offer her a cocktail, but she has a sold out concert in a few hours, and she doesn’t want to drink before the show. Instead, she orders riceless sushi and dressingless salad.

Outtake photo of Lady Gaga taken for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing the flesh-colored bra and panties. Click picture to enlarge.
For Gaga, life is all about being in the spotlight... and why would she do anything to jeopardize that? “My friends joke that I’m dead until I get onstage,” she says. “I’m dead right now as you’re speaking to me.”

Photo by Cosmopolitan of Lady Gaga in a black corset and lace panties. Click outtake image to enlarge.
Lady Gaga also revealed that her ex-boyfriend told her she would never succeed in the music industry.
In the interview with Cosmopolitan, the “Bad Romance’” singer explained that her partner said he wanted her to fail. “I had a boyfriend who told me I’d never succeed, never be nominated for a Grammy, never have a hit song, and that he hoped I’d fail,” she said. “I said to him, ‘Someday when we’re not together, you won’t be able to order a cup of coffee at the f**king deli without hearing or seeing me’.”

Outtake image of Lady Gaga in bra and panties taken by Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click photo to enlarge.
Gaga admitted that she had struggled to succeed in the music business, adding that she “ate s**t for so long.”

Photo of Lady Gaga not used in the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing a black dress with an open weave strap-like top set off by an assortment of belts and buckles. Click image to enlarge.
“I’ve always been delusionally ambitious to the point where people don’t understand me,” she added. END. To subscribe or read more about Gaga, go to the Cosmo website. The April 2010 issue hit the newsstands March 9th.
Rock legend Annie Lennox recently revealed on her Blog that she’s a big Lady Gaga fan: “She’s the real deal!” Check out what she said below:
I have to say that I am completely entranced by Lady Ga Ga… She is completely off the scale on just about every level, and I’m just loving it! She has the most ENORMOUS stamina and chutzpah, to carry off her massive persona…and I can tell you, that it takes f……..g HOURS and a TEAM to make up and dress up on a daily incarnation like that!!!

Rather demure outtake photo of Lady Gaga originally taken for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing a black dress and heels. Click picture to enlarge.
She’s amazing, innovative, out of the box, and ground breaking at every level! She has smashed the “cookie cutter” tedium, and brought it all into an entirely different level! I saw her giving an interview with Cyndy Lauper on the subject of Women and Aids..performing live at the piano with Elton, and she’s all over You Tube in all kinds of colors, shapes and forms. Wow!! She’s the real deal..love it love it! END.

Outtake image of Lady Gaga in a deep V-neck blouse and beige panties taken by Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click photo to enlarge.
Check out these excerpts from a Gawker.com article about the “Telephone” video: An interview with lesbian trainer and performance artist Heather Cassils: Lady Gaga's Prison GF Says Kissing Her Was 'Electric! Heather Cassils is the awesome-looking woman who plays Lady Gaga's prison girlfriend in the "Telephone" video. But she's also a well-known artist in her own right. And she loved making out with Gaga. Read more (after the pic):

Photo of Lady Gaga and Heather Cassils kissing in the "Telephone" video. For more photos from the vid, go to our post: LADY GAGA TELEPHONE SCREENCAP STILLS FULL FASHION DESIGNER DETAILS REVIEWS 12 VIDEOS 31 PHOTOS PICTURES IMAGES! FULL VIDEO PREMIERE WITH BEYONCE! Screen cap image.
Doree: Were you familiar with Gaga's work before and what did you think of it?
Heather: I was not really all that familiar with her work. I had heard her music (how can you not) but what I really noticed was her appearances at the Grammys and I recall appreciating the radical outfit choices, the birdcage on the head and the bleeding performance. This is more what stuck in my head than her music because as a visual artist it was interesting to see her making reference all across the spectrum of performance art from Lee Bowery to Ron Athey. I was impressed that she was bringing these tropes into her work to bring these visuals to an entirely different audience.
D: How'd you meet Gaga? Describe the process of getting asked/selected to be in the video. Were you immediately interested?
H: I run my own personal training business out of a small gym in Silverlake. At my gym there is another trainer named Dallas Malloy. She is an amazing bodybuilder who is also a talented actor. Dallas called me randomly one day from an audition telling me that a casting agent was looking for female bodybuilders.

Photo taken of Lady Gaga for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine but not used. Click picture to enlarge.
Apparently they could not find enough of them so Dallas thought of me because, although I am not as huge as pro builders, with the right camera work I can look massive. I thanked Dallas and told her that acting was not really my thing but when she told me it was to play a security guard in a woman's prison for a Beyoncé/ Gaga video. With the mention of Beyoncé's name I told her to give me the address. (I LOVE Destiny's Child especially) I ended up being cast as an inmate and I went to set that day for the "camp" factor.

Another outtake image of Lady Gaga wearing a black corset, lace panties, and open weave gloves taken by Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click photo to enlarge.
I figured I could cross Beyoncé video off my list. Upon arriving, I was sent up to set, saddened to learn that Beyonce was rehearsing for the Grammys. We blocked the prison yard scene with a Lady Gaga double a few times.
Side-view picture of Lady Gaga in black taken for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine wearing. Click image to enlarge.
Escorted by an entourage, The Lady herself, came on set. Within minutes her people called me over. Draped in chains and clad in cat suit she extended her manicured hand to me. "Hello, I'm Lady Gaga."
"Hello, I'm Heather Cassils." That's how I met Lady Gaga—a bizarre and organic unfolding of events that can only take place in Los Angeles.

Outtake photo of Lady Gaga by Cosmopolitan Magazine in her black corset with cock-feather shoulder. Click picture to enlarge.
D: Did you know what the storyline of the "Telephone" video was before you shot the scene? How was your role described to you? Are you wearing your own clothes or did they design a costume for you?
H: I had no idea about the story line, except that I was to be a security guard in a woman's prison scene ( which I thought was hilarious). My initial role was not described to me at all with the exception of the interactions I had with Gaga after meeting her. She looked me over and told me she wanted me to play her "girlfriend in prison." She mulled over our interactions and said finally definitively: "when I want someone I never go to them, they come to me… so you come to me." She then told me I was to "touch her inappropriately."

Photo of Lady Gaga in a little black dress and oversize sunglasses taken by Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click image to enlarge.
As for costuming, the night before the shoot we were sent a list of clothing options to turn up in, items such as bikinis, thongs, high heels etc. At this point I panicked and called the casting director informing her that I do not do bikinis and heels. She assured me it would be okay if I turned up in some dark form fitting clothes.

Outtake closeup photo of Lady Gaga originally taken for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click image to enlarge.
So I actually wore my girlfriend's pants and leather vest that day. (Great thing about dating women is that you double your wardrobe possibilities). But generally I wear similar garb. I like to fashion myself after a Tom of Finland drawing or the illustrious art hustler of the '70s Peter Berlin. I showed up dressed as you see in the video and was sent up to set.

Picture outtake by Cosmopolitan Magazine of Lady Gaga wearing a little tuxedo-like dress and matching whimsical hat with Bird of Paradise-type feathers. Click photo to enlarge.
D: How many takes did you have to do to get the kiss down? What was it like to kiss Lady Gaga? Is she a good kisser?
H: The kiss was down from the get go. It happened very naturally and organically. I leaned into smell her and I started by kissing her neck. It was electric and when I got to her mouth, she actually kissed me. Kissing lady Gaga was like kissing any beautiful woman you feel a connection with, as soon as I touched her she was just that, very sensitive and responsive. It even eclipsed the crazy cigarette glasses that were smoking. I think we did four or five takes; it all happened so fast it was a bit of a blur. By the last takes we were brushing ashes off each other and coughing and laughing. Talk about second hand smoke! But really it was a performance and that yes she is a good kisser but kissing my girlfriend is even more powerful as I'm totally under her spell.

Closer photo of Lady Gaga wearing a black and white tuxedo dress with matching hat by Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click image to enlarge.
D: Why is it important for queer artists to increase their visibility? What are other ways you're doing that? Do you consider yourself a political artist? Why or why not?
H: It is important for queer artists to increase their visibility because it offers up options. Since I have done this video I have had over 15,000 people look at my artist website. To my surprise I have gotten a ton of really young people contacting me, telling me how much they appreciate what I have been articulating in the media and also how much they connect with my art.

Outtake picture of Lady Gaga wearing a gold and black lace slip for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine. Click photo to enlarge.
Some of these letters are from very young queer and disenfranchised people, who live in smaller cities with no support. Teens have written me from Germany, France and Scotland, telling me of their feelings of alienation and that by being the artist that I am, and by being outspoken about my beliefs that I have helped them alleviate their own personal feelings of shame around gender identity and sexuality. To me this is truly an honor and the ultimate service I can provide as a cultural producer.

Another interesting image of Lady Gaga by Cosmopolitan Magazine of her wearing a short black and gold lace slip. Click photo to enlarge.
My work starts with my own body, which I have manipulated via diet and exercise to produce a physique that is not usually associated with the female gender. I see life as a sort of performance art work and that every gesture you make, every way you present yourself is a possibility to author an experience for those surrounding you which could be art. As for my more formal art practice, I create living paintings where you use a live element to have people really stay with the composition of the piece.

Photo of Lady Gaga taken for the April 2010 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine but not used. Click image to enlarge.
I will be doing a performance of Hard Times in an upcoming Movement Research Spring 2010 Festival entitled "HARDCORPS" curated by A.L. Steiner, Aki Sasamoto, Melanie Maar and Walter Dundervill. My art is a thermometer of sorts, which takes the temperature of our cultural climate. Am I political artist? I suppose I am, because nothing exists outside the realm of politics. To say you are political is a political statement.

Picture of Lady Gaga by Cosmopolitan of her wearing some seriously rockin' sunglasses studded with pearls and crystals. Click scanned image to enlarge.
D: Did you find anything problematic about Gaga's video when you watched it in full? Do you feel that the LGBT community was fairly represented, or is it in itself a step forward that the community can be satirized in a mainstream video?
H: No, I find nothing problematic about Gaga's video. For someone to say that it is bad to have representation of LGBTQ people in prison in music is just ludicrous to me. To be able to poke, to parody ourselves means we have come a long way. They are missing the point. In addition, Gaga is exploiting all images in the video, including herself. The structure of the video claims everything from Thelma and Louise to early sexploitation films. My friend Michelle Johnson is an EXCELLENT filmmaker has made a film recently called Lezploitation, which reclaims of exploitation films of this era through a lesbian gaze. While Gaga may not be a lesbian, Gaga is clearly not straight but certainly she is queer. I don't see any problem with her reclaiming these images as well! END. Read the entire interview at Gawker.com. Visit Heather Cassils’ website for more information about her performance art.

Photo of Lady Gaga with Australian radio personalities Kyle and Jackie O, with whom she just gave an interview, wherein she talks about how her new video "Telephone" was meant to celebrate the lesbian and transgender community in a mainstream venue. Gaga is in Sydney right now for her Monster Ball Tour concert. (UPDATE: Unfortunately, this video is no longer available. There oughta be a law against deleting videos once they are placed on the Internet...) 3-19-10 picture.
Visit Lady Gaga’s official website, go to her MySpace page, become a fan on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter for all things Gaga. Click here to buy “Telephone” on iTunes!
If you crave more Adam Lambert join the Adam Lambert Fan Club on Facebook, where, as chief administrator, we post hot photos and videos of the new King of Rock several times a day. Adam is just moving too fast right now during his world tour promoting his For Your Entertainment album, so we find it easier to upload the pics and clips as soon as they happen in that venue. But do take heart, as we will soon publish a comprehensive post right here with the Best of Adam Lambert in Europe and Asia! So subscribe to this blog as well (via the box at the top right corner of this page) and you'll be sure not to miss a thing!
Watch this hilarious video of Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, Fox and Fiends’ Gretchen Carlson, and Republican Strategist Margaret Hoover freaking out over Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” video. Bill O’Reilly: "Warning! You Can’t Keep Kids Away From Lady Gaga (So Here’s Her Latest Video)":
Check out this British itn News video: Now that Gaga is rich and famous, everybody wants a piece of her. Lady Gaga sued by former producer for 23 million dollars! The Fame Monster star faces legal action from Rob Fusari, who claims he hasn't received his royalties. 3-18-10:
Watch this E! News report on the Lady Gaga lawsuit: The "Bad Romance" crooner is being sued by a former flame who claims he helped launch her music career. Here are the details:
Check out this video of Bob Fusari when he was singing a different tune. He said a “Thank You” was all he needed. Gaga filed a countersuit today (3-20-10) claiming Fusari conned her into signing an illegal contract while he was acting as an unlicensed talent agent.
Check out this British itn News video: Now that Gaga is rich and famous, everybody wants a piece of her. Lady Gaga sued by former producer for 23 million dollars! The Fame Monster star faces legal action from Rob Fusari, who claims he hasn't received his royalties. 3-18-10:
Watch this E! News report on the Lady Gaga lawsuit: The "Bad Romance" crooner is being sued by a former flame who claims he helped launch her music career. Here are the details:
Check out this video of Bob Fusari when he was singing a different tune. He said a “Thank You” was all he needed. Gaga filed a countersuit today (3-20-10) claiming Fusari conned her into signing an illegal contract while he was acting as an unlicensed talent agent.
Producer sues Lady Gaga for 35 million |
======Watch this itn Music News video from England: The Music 411 / Lady Gaga's Telephone/Boy George on Jail/Aston's new hair. Quote: “She’s a saucy minx!” Lucrezia Millarini takes a look at Lady Gaga's latest triumph, Boy George chats getting sober and back to music & Aston Merrygold's new hair cut.
Check out this video: Lady Gaga Reveals Her Inspiration For The Fame Monster CD to iheartradio. Lady Gaga talks about the different monsters in her life that inspired the songs on her album, The Fame Monster. March 19, 2010.
Watch this video over and over: Although we published the “Telephone” video in our last post, here it is again: Watch the full explicit version of Lady Gaga and Beyonce’s new video “Telephone":
Check out this video: Lady Gaga Reveals Her Inspiration For The Fame Monster CD to iheartradio. Lady Gaga talks about the different monsters in her life that inspired the songs on her album, The Fame Monster. March 19, 2010.
Watch this video over and over: Although we published the “Telephone” video in our last post, here it is again: Watch the full explicit version of Lady Gaga and Beyonce’s new video “Telephone":
And, once again, enjoy the Lady Gaga “Bad Romance” video from MTV to see how it compares with “Telephone.” We love them both equally!

Picture of Yellow and white Bravoure Daffodil Narcissus Jonquil growing in Oklahoma's Zone 7 from the author's free flower photo website http://www.freefishcaretips.com/photos20
Also visit http://www.galechesterwhittington.com/ for free humor, short stories, poems, and book excerpts from the award-winning gay author
==copyright 2009==
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