March 1, 2010.
Dressed in an abundance of glitter and feathers, Adam Lambert rocked the little town of Indio California, just a few short miles east of Palm Springs, on Saturday night, with his first solo concert since American Idol, at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. He played to a very appreciative sold-out crowd of 3500 “Glamberts,” many of whom had traveled from other continents to see their favorite singer. Although we weren’t able to go ourselves, several members of the Adam Lambert fan clubs we belong to were able to attend, and as a result we have tons of wonderful photos and videos to share.

Picture of an employee of the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino holding up the Adam Lambert sign for photographers. 2-27-10 image.
Before we get to the reviews of Adam Lambert’s Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, read this great article by Vanessa Franko of iguide music entitled "Young at heart--Adam Lambert's 89-year-old fan." February 28, 2010:
Isabel Paquette wasn't able to travel more than 10 feet at a time at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio without someone stopping her to chat, take a photo or give her a hug.
Photo of Adam Lambert's oldest fan, Isabel Paquette, talking to the press, soon after arriving at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino for Adam Lambert's concert. 2-27-10 picture.
The 89-year-old from Marinette, Wis. smiled under her glasses and curly white hair and obliged every time. Paquette is the newest Internet celebrity, at least in the Adam Lambert community.
Image of members of Adam Lambert's band, Monte Pittman and Tommy Joe Ratliff, posting for photos with Isabel Paquette. 2-27-10 photo.
While the former American Idol contestant and pop star was the reason 3,500 fans converged on the resort's events center for a sold-out concert Saturday night, coming from as far as Denmark, South Africa and all across the U.S., Paquette became a secondary attraction.
Photo of Isabel Paquette and her daughter, Joy Hinterberg, finally meeting Adam Lambert just prior to the Fantasy Springs concert. February 27, 2010 picture.
"You're as famous as Adam," Robin Smith, of Rancho Penasquitos, gushed as she took a photo of Paquette before the concert.
Photo of Isabel Paquette showing off the picture Adam Lambert just signed. 2-27-10 image.
Paquette just might be Lambert's oldest fan. She's loved him from the minute she first saw him sing on "American Idol." She has pictures of Lambert around her house, which is about an hour outside of Green Bay.
Picture of Adam Lambert's oldest fan laughing about how the YouTube video that her daughter, Joy Hinterberg, made with Isabel singing "Happy Birthday" to Adam has brought her so much attention. If you haven't seen it yet, you can watch it on one of our earlier posts. 2-27-10 photo.
She sings his songs and dances along in her kitchen. She talks about him to friends on the phone. She's even turned a friend whom she plays cards with four times a week into a fan.
Photo of Robin Smith, from Rancho Penasquitos, a community outside of San Diego, showing the photographers her Adam Lambert memorabilia before the Fantasy Springs concert. 2-27-10 image.
"He's magnetic," Paquette said. "He's got a lot of charisma. He's beautiful on the outside and on the inside.
Picture of fans from the popular Adam Lambert Network Fan Site with their glittered ALN sign. 2-27-10 photo.
She likes him because he's honest, because he has a rock star's voice but also because he sings like an angel on his ballads. They've made her cry because his voice is so beautiful.
Photo of Jennifer Francisco, who traveled all the way from Toronto Canada to see Adam Lambert at his first solo concert, showing everyone her huge Adam tattoo. 2-27-10 picture.
Paquette's daughter, Joy Hinterberg, thought Lambert should know about this special fan so she recorded a video of Paquette wishing Lambert a happy birthday last month in hopes he would someday find it on YouTube.
Picture of Johnny Griffey from Phoenix and Jennifer Francisco of Toronto holding up a sign touting Adam Lambert as "The Next King!"
It caught the attention of a Lambert blogger (Sweet Sexy Sean), and soon two tickets were donated for the pair from a fan who had extra. Then fellow Lambert fans raised money to fly them to the Coachella Valley.
Picture of bass guitarist Tommy Joe Ratliff arriving at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino to participate in the Adam Lambert concert. 2-27-10 photo.
The resort put up the mother and daughter for two nights and gave them admission into the sold-out pre-party for Lambert fans dubbed the "Glamily Reunion."
Image of the kissable Tommy Joe Ratliff with Doug Lancaster, the administrator of the Oh My Rock God! Adam Lambert Fan website (of which we are a proud member) . Doug is working on a "Rockumentary" about his Fantasy Springs experience, so join his OMRG Fan Club to check it out! 2-27-10 photo.
They arrived Thursday, and she was mobbed ever since. Paquette was excited to finally see Lambert perform in person and hear the songs live. "I just want to see him and give him a big hug," Paquette said. Reach Vanessa Franko at 951-368-9575 or vfranko@PE.com or follow her on Twitter. END.
Photo of a few of the 600 Glamberts at the Fantasy Springs Adam Lambert concert pre-party, the Glamily Reunion, having dinner in Mimi's Cafe. Note how many are female (like all of them)! 2-27-10 image.
The KPSP Local 2 News Services in Indio Californina published this nice review of Adam’s Fantasy Springs Casino Resort concert: "Thousands Turn Out for Adam Lambert Concert," published 2-28-10. Read it below:
In his first solo concert, American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert gave a high-energy performance Saturday night before a sold-out crowd at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio.
Just thought we'd inject this photo of Lady Gaga during her Liverpool Monster Ball Tour concert debuting "The Living Dress," just to let you know we are still working on a special post about this breathtaking design, with lots of videos and pictures of the new Haus of Gaga creation. We'll post a link here when it's ready. 2-24-10 image. Update: Here's the link: http://galechesterwhittington2.blogspot.com/2010/03/lady-gaga-debuts-living-dress-friday.html
Lambert, who is 28 and from San Diego, saw his popularity soar after he lost to Kris Allen on "American Idol."
Long distance image of the sold-out concert room at the Adam Lambert Fantasy Springs Casino Resort Saturday night. 2-27-10 photo.
The flamboyant performer wore what he described as "witch clothes and my peacock feathers," along with his trademark heavy eyeliner, at the hour long show at the casino's Special Events Center.
Photo of the Adam Lambert button all the waiters wore during his concert at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. 2-27-20 picture.
About 3,500 fans from around the world, including Thailand, Australia, Canada and Mexico, came to see the show.
Picture of Tamar Kaprelian opening for Adam Lambert at the Fantasy Springs concert Saturday evening. I would've provided a video of her singing, but apparently no one bothered to upload one on YouTube. One of the hazards of opening for someone else, we guess! 2-27-10 photo.
A select group of 600 fans adorned with glitter, black eyeliner and Goth style outfits packed a two hour pre-concert party, which was put on by the casino when Lambert fans began talking online about meeting up before the show.
Photo of Adam Lambert, decked out in glitter, guyliner, and feathers, opening the Fantasy Springs concert with his signature song, "For Your Entertainment." February 27, 2010 picture.
Cassandra Willis of Belmont, who wore a pendant of Lambert's face on her shirt, was part of Lambert's fan base women over 40. Willis said to attract Lambert she would need, "A sex change and lose 40 years.''
Image of Adam Lambert performing "If I Had You" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino gig. 2-27-20 photo.
"I'd have to be a male. I'd have to be gay,'' Willis said, admitting that she loves the performer's sensuality and stage presence. Lambert, who announced he was gay after his run on "Idol," caused a stir at the American Music Awards in November when he kissed a male keyboardist during a sexually suggestive performance.
Photo of Adam Lambert, decked out in purple, singing "Strut" during his concert at Fantasy Springs in Indio California. 2-27-10 image.
Willis, who frequents the "American Idol" fan page IdolForum.com, said she came to the party to meet other fans, whom she sees as family. She's one of many Lambert fans who call themselves "Glamberts,'' a tribute to the performer's glam-gothic style.
Image of an enthusiastic Adam Lambert fan with a metal-studded belt that reads, "GLAMBERT." 2-27-10 photo.
Kolleen Marchand, 30, of Syracuse, Utah, said she was surprised by the many older women in the room, but she went to Indio because she is in love with the singer. "He is the most beautiful man on this entire planet. I am absolutely in love with a gay man,'' Marchand said.
Picture of Adam Lambert performing "Sure Fire Winners" at Saturday night's concert in the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. 2-17-10 image.
Marchand said being a diehard Lambert fan is her last chance to "be a maniac.'' "My husband is not threatened by him at all,'' Marchand said. "Why are we all fascinated with a gay man? I don't get it.''
Photo of a fan holding up one of Adam Lambert's shedded peacock feathers at the Fantasy Springs concert in Indio California. 2-27-20 picture.
Neither did her best friend, Mindi Fletcher, 30, of Clinton, Utah. "I want it and I can't have it and it drives me insane,'' Fletcher said of Lambert.
Image of Adam Lambert beltings out "Sure Fire Winners" during his Fantasy Springs concert. 2-27-10 photo.
One of the few men at the party, Kevin Greer, 25, who wore eyeliner and glitter on his face, said he was there to see Lambert perform. "He's very talented and he's not very mainstream,'' said Greer, who hails from Salem, Ore.
Photo of Adam Lambert singing "Sure Fire Winners" Saturday night at his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert. 2-27-20 image.
Jay Kaiser, 30, of Huntington Beach, attributed Lambert's diverse fan base to his vocals. "He's a cross between Queen and Prince with some Elvis,'' said Kaiser, who also wore eyeliner.
Photo of Adam Lambert performing "Soaked" during his sold-out Fantasy Springs concert. 2-27-10 picture.
Among the attendees was 89-year-old Isabel Paquette of Green Bay, Wis., who calls herself Lambert's oldest fan. In a YouTube video, she said her family loves Lambert's music, and an online campaign was initiated to get Paquette to the show.
Image of Adam Lambert performing "Soaked" during his gig at the Fantasy Springs concert Saturday evening. 2-27-20 photo.
Fantasy Springs officials heard about the campaign and offered Paquette and her daughter a free two-night stay at the resort. "It's wonderful. It's like a dream. I said, God why me?" said Paquette, who was able to meet with Lambert before the show.
Back of the room view of Adam Lambert singing "Whataya Want From Me" at his Fantasy Springs concert, amidst a torrent of colorful lasers. 2-27-10 photo.
Paquette, who sat in a wheelchair, said she was going to send positive thoughts toward Lambert during the concert. "I'm so very proud of you, Adam, and I adore you,'' she said.
Picture of Adam Lambert performing "Mad World" at his Fantasy Springs Casino concert Saturday. 2-27-20 photo.
Lambert chided fans playfully before belting out his next to last song, "Fever.''
Photo of Adam Lambert singing "Broken Open" during his Fantasy Springs concert. 2-27-20 image.
Lambert's album, "For Your Entertainment,'' hit No. 3 on the Billboard charts and sold 200,000 copies in its first week. "Idol'' season seven winner David Cook also performed Saturday night in Riverside County, at the Morongo Casino Resort and Spa in Cabazon. END
Picture of Adam Lambert singing "Whole Lotta Love" during his concert at the Fantasy Springs Resort Saturday night. 2-27-20 photo.
Vanessa Franko, who tweeted constantly from the concert, also published this short review on the AudioFile website: "In Review: Adam Lambert at Fantasy Springs," by Vanessa Franko. February 28, 2010 6:48 AM:
Adam Lambert had a lot to live up to before his first solo show where fans could purchase tickets.Before the show at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio on Saturday night, some compared it to seeing Elvis Presley for the first time, that it was historic. Internet friends met for the first time in person, gathering for a pre-party dubbed the "Glamily Reunion" or over pizza or Starbucks.
Picture of Adam Lambert performing "Sleepwalker" at his Fantasy Springs concert. 2-27-10 photo.
With a devoted and rabid fan base, Lambert needed to impress. Even though he didn't go on until after 9 p.m. and played for about an hour, the eyeliner king of "American Idol" led his faithful to renditions of his songs off the debut CD, "For Your Entertainment" as well as select covers, such as Tears for Fears' "Mad World" and an acoustic version of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love."
Image of Adam Lambert performing "Sleepwalker" during Saturday night's concert in the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. Check out those lasers! February 27, 2020 picture.
His voice was at its best when he sang the ballads, reaching a chill-inducing moment during the second half of "Soaked."
Photo of Adam Lambert singing "Fever" at his Fantasy Springs concert. 2-27-10 image.
But the show was at its finest with dance party numbers such as "Down the Rabbit Hole" and "Music Again" as the glitter and sequin-covered crowd that ranged from young fans to those in their 80s. END
Picture of Adam Lambert performing "Fever" Saturday evening in front of 3500 fans who came to the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino just to see him. 2-27-20 photo.
Visit Adam Lambert’s official website, Music Store, MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter pages.
Photo of Adam Lambert singing the last number, "Down the Rabbit Hole" at his Fantasy Springs concert Saturday. 2-27-20 image.
For an unlimited supply of Adam, join one of the best fan sites on the ‘Net: the Adam Lambert Network.
Picture of Adam Lambert checking out of the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino Sunday. 2-28-20.
And check out a new Adam Lambert Fan Club Facebook Page while you're at it!
Listen to various interviews by radio stations, as well as songs by Adam via this Audio Player filled with Adam Lambert’s Radio Interviews and Music, courtesy of Vicky aka VickStiX and the Adam Lambert Network. It automatically updates as more items are added, so bookmark this page and check back often:
Find more music like this on Adam Lambert Network
Before we get started with the Fantasy Springs videos, watch this hilarious Saturday Night Live (SNL) “cold open” take on “We Are the World 3” featuring Adam Lambert, Gwen Stefani, and Lady Gaga! From Saturday night,2-27-10:
Watch this video from www.greenbaypressgazette.com, made on February 16, 2010 | Thanks to Internet donations, Adam Lambert fan Isabel Paquette will be able to see the singer at his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert in California on Feb. 27, 2010:
Check out this official Fantasy Springs video: Isabel Paquette, Adam Lambert's 89-yr old fan, for whom other fans raised money get her to see Adam at Fantasy Springs has a thank you. For more information on Isabel, visit an earlier post, ADAM LAMBERT ON EXTRA …
Watch this video by Fantasy Springs of Adam Lambert meeting his oldest fan, 89 year old Isabel Paquette, at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert. February 27, 2010.
Check out this video: A brief interview with one of Adam Lambert's biggest fans as she is waiting outside the box office at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino to buy tickets to Adam's concert on Feb. 27th, 2010.
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "For Your Entertainment" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10. The clip starts out rough but gets better. Suz526 had a great closeup seat, better than most of the fans who uploaded videos:
Check out this video of Adam Lambert singing "If I Had You" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "Strut" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Check out this video of Adam Lambert singing "Sure Fire Winners" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "Soaked" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Check out this video of Adam Lambert singing "Whataya Want From Me" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "Mad World" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Check out this video: Adam Lambert performs this new song, "Broken Open," at the Fantasy Springs concert, 2-27-10:
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "Whole Lotta Love" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Check out this video of Adam Lambert singing "Sleepwalker" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "Music Again" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10:
Check out this video of Adam Lambert singing "Fever" during his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10. This is one of the songs where Adam wears a top hat:
Watch this video of Adam Lambert singing "Down the Rabbit Hole," the closing number at his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert, 2-27-10. This is one of the songs where Adam wears a hat. Check out the girl who had to be removed from the stage!
Check out this video: Adam Lambert Leaves Fantasy Springs 2-28-10:
Check out this official VIDEO: Adam's Track-By-Tracks - "Pick U Up. "For this installment of Adam’s Track-By-Tracks, he discusses “Pick U Up”, a song written in part by Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo. Adam likes the dual meaning of the track, and the song’s ability to be taken either literally or as a metaphor is definitely one of its strengths. Check it out below!
Watch this official VIDEO: Adam's Track-By-Tracks - "Sure Fire Winners!"
In this video, “Sure Fire Winners” gets the “Track-By-Track” treatment. Check out the video to see Adam talk about working with Rob Cavallo, bridging the gap between contemporary music and classic rock...and...feeling fabulous:
Check out this official VIDEO: Adam's Track-By-Tracks - "If I Had You." For this installment of Adam’s Track-By-Tracks, Adam breaks down “If I Had You”, a track that all you Glamberts have no doubted busted a few moves to. It’s a party song, but from Adam’s perspective its got a really sweet twist (and an awesome hair metal bridge). Check out the video below and enjoy:

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