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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


September 29, 2009.
Frankly, I never understood why gay women or men would want to serve in the military. Killing people in ill-conceived wars has never been considered honorable by any of the LGBT friends I have. A child of the sixties, I fought against all war while demonstrating on the streets for homosexual civil rights in 1969 San Francisco and Berkeley. It was clear then that war was wrong and that fact holds true to this day, especially when it’s somebody else’s internal conflict, like in Afghanistan. Doesn’t anybody else remember the train wreck we created in Viet Nam?
Photo of West Point graduate Lt. Dan Choi, an Iraq War veteran, infantry officer, and rare Arabic linguist, who was recently fired by the military for being honest. Visit http://www.knightsout.org/, an organization of West Point Alumni, Staff and Faculty who are united in supporting the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender soldiers to openly serve their country. Also check out the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and do what you can to help. Over 13,000 lebsians and gays have been discharged under DADT simply because of who they love.

Now that I've got ranting about the evils of war out of my system (for the time being), the fact remains that destroying the lives of homosexuals who do want to serve our country by firing them for being openly gay is also morally reprehensible. Surely the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy will be repealed soon, allowing honesty, fairness, and freedom to prevail. In the meantime, we have stumbled upon video footage explaining the ill-logic behind the military’s refusal to allow gays to be themselves. Check out the enlightening interview below.
Watch this ONN video: “America Debates Gays in the Military with Host Brandon Armstrong.” “Gays Too Precious To Risk in Combat,” Says General Robert McBrayer:

'Gays Too Precious To Risk In Combat,' Says General

Here’s an Onion News Network (ONN) bone-ass video: “Christian Charity Raising Money To Feed Non-Gay Famine Victims”:

Christian Charity Raising Money To Feed Non-Gay Famine Victims

Check out this ONN bone-us video exposing the overzealous animal rights organization, PETA: “Advocacy Group Decries PETA's Inhumane Treatment Of Human Females,” the Women Deserve Better Association says PETA abuses defenseless, simple-minded women by forcing them to remove their clothes and participate in humiliating photo-shoots:

Advocacy Group Decries PETA's Inhumane Treatment Of Women
Photo of ever-blooming, drought tolerant, orange, yellow, and red hardy Irene Lantana camara growing in Oklahoma's Zone 7 from the author's free flower photo website http://www.freefishcaretips.com/photos109

Also visit http://www.galechesterwhittington.com/ for free humor, short stories, poems, and book excerpts from the award-winning gay author

==copyright 2009==

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